Mangle Blanco:
Mangle Blanco:
Hojarasca 1
Mangle Blanco:
Mangrove reflections
Mangle Blanco:
Raices mangle rojo Candelaria
Mangle Blanco:
Hojarasca 2JPG
Mangle Blanco:
Aerea Manglares Aristides horizonte
Mangle Blanco:
Aerea Manglares Aristides vertical
Mangle Blanco:
Caracoles manglar
Kenny Teo (zoompict):
Nicolas LANDRA:
Nicolas LANDRA:
J Michael Hamon:
Festival Internacional de la Imagen:
Training Methods for Transdisciplinary Collaboration: Best Practices and Didactics for Team Work
Festival Internacional de la Imagen:
Training Methods for Transdisciplinary Collaboration: Best Practices and Didactics for Team Work
Festival Internacional de la Imagen:
Training Methods for Transdisciplinary Collaboration: Best Practices and Didactics for Team Work
Festival Internacional de la Imagen:
Training Methods for Transdisciplinary Collaboration: Best Practices and Didactics for Team Work
Festival Internacional de la Imagen:
Training Methods for Transdisciplinary Collaboration: Best Practices and Didactics for Team Work
Festival Internacional de la Imagen:
Festival Internacional de la Imagen:
Exhibition: Experiments at the interface between art, anthropology and science to re-design health campaigns against mosquito-borne diseases
Festival Internacional de la Imagen:
Exhibition: Experiments at the interface between art, anthropology and science to re-design health campaigns against mosquito-borne diseases
Festival Internacional de la Imagen:
Exhibition: Experiments at the interface between art, anthropology and science to re-design health campaigns against mosquito-borne diseases
Tugboat Printshop:
Block Detail | "BOWING FLOWER" Woodcut in Progress by Valerie
Guitarra / Guitar