AMM blog: pikku teepee
Gabriela Lenzi: IMG_4485
Timothy Hartley Smith: End of An Era - Moving After 13 Years
The 10 cent designer: Point Blanket
The 10 cent designer: that's better
The 10 cent designer: deerfly- last years cushions
GOB42: Where the gold is
lunagirl1: DSCF0712
deleteyourself: Eames La Chaise
lunger girl: Room 1
r a e d e k e: Living Room- Looking East
lunger girl: Various Chairs pt. 2
MidCentArc: 1411 Rising Glen Rd, L.A. - Built: 1955
KMR's suburban adventure: WeeK 19 : We ARe iN... (FiNALy...)
Inside_man: Fallingwater
joel_pirela: Luminaire
mommapudding: overall shot of the listening booth
JForth: Our living room facing north
JForth: Our living room facing east
simo-otto: artek
Henri Aho: My old apartment
Henri Aho: Moma shop
bamboohorse: vitra 1