moaan: Shimmering Autumn Leaves
CvK Photography: 90 Mile Beach, Australia
dolbinator1000: Faithful Friend
Teresa Teixeira: F8122 ~ Play me...
mwolfephoto: Lost River Mercantile
Leo ☮: Amaneciendo...
Eric Lafforgue: The Prayer Hall Of Nasir Ol Molk Mosque With Its Beautiful Coloured Glass Windows, Shiraz, Iran
-Mina-: cover
alihill007: edinrurgh in autumn
(x)99.: wednesday.
wbbyrne: Wave
wbbyrne: Mystery
wbbyrne: Booth
wbbyrne: Eclipsed
wbbyrne: Autumn
wbbyrne: Mirna
Claudia DG: It is difficult to catch a black cat in a dark room..
Pilar Azaña Talán : ¡Feliz otoño para los boreales y feliz primavera para los australes! :-)
sullen_snowflakes: Locorotondo.
adrian_t: Unmute