burton188: San Marco
burton188: A different view
burton188: Ah, good times..
burton188: Gondoliers - Venice
burton188: Menu
burton188: Buon giorno
burton188: Bubbles
burton188: Crayons
burton188: Eccentric Me
burton188: Perplexed
burton188: Madisonville
burton188: Reminds me of Tim Burton. . .
burton188: Three Old Men
burton188: The Winding
burton188: Too Cute
burton188: Mirror
burton188: Steady Men. . .
burton188: Catching Some Rays
burton188: A Strange and Old Utopia
burton188: I am Shy
burton188: There She Goes
burton188: What a tiny, insignificant piece of our Universe
burton188: my shoo
burton188: So Old, Wise, and Beautiful
burton188: It'll All Work Out
burton188: Depereo
burton188: Novus Spiritus