burton188: Depereo
burton188: It'll All Work Out
burton188: Novus Spiritus
burton188: Smile, Empty Soul
burton188: Murano
burton188: Murano
burton188: Murano
burton188: My shoo II
burton188: So Old, Wise, and Beautiful
burton188: Happy is Me
burton188: Italian Monk
burton188: A Manxome Foe
burton188: Colors of Fall II
burton188: For your amusement
burton188: That Guy . . .
burton188: What a tiny, insignificant piece of our Universe
burton188: Mary Ann
burton188: Amelie
burton188: Colors of Fall
burton188: There She Goes
burton188: God Paints
burton188: I am Shy
burton188: I trace the rainbow through the rain
burton188: I know your face
burton188: A Strange and Old Utopia