Blue Ridge Southern Railroad EMD SD40-2 locomotive 4205 and SD40M-2 locomotive 4202 are seen on a stub end service & maintenance siding with GP39-2 locomotive 3932 seen on a yard track at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad HQ Offcice Building that is situated at # 2 Depot Street in Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad stub end maintenance & service yard track with EMD SD40M-2 locomotive # 4202 and SD40-2 locomotive # 4205 seen at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad view of the main line heading East from Canton to Asheville, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Evergreen Paper Food Containment Packaging Products Facility with their private yard EMD SW1001 switcher being seen through weeds at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad bridge over the Pigeon River at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Evergreen Paper Food Containment Packaging Products Facility detailing a small portion of their private railroad yard at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Evergreen Paper Food Containment Packaging Products Facility view detailing the private railroad yard with freight cars seen at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Evergreen Paper Food Containment Packaging Products Facility view detailing a small portion of their private railroad yard at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad refurbished wheel, axle & Timken roller bearing assembly is seen stored on stub end siding in yard at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2002
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad HQ office building with a Hi-Rail truck parked outside on Depot Sreet at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad EMD SD40M-2 locomotive # 4202 is seen in the service and maintenance area of the yard on a stub end siding at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Evergreen Paper Food Containment Packaging Products Facility private railroad yard EMD SW1001 switcher is waiting for its next assignment at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad main line after departing second portion of the yard heading West at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad end of second portion of yard area with numerous freight cars spotted on the yard tracks at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad second portion of yard area with high side wood chip open hopper cars and a covered hopper car spotted on yard tracks at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad second portion of yard beyond the Pigeon River looking back toward the downtown area and the Evergreen Paper Facility with covered hopper cars and high side wood chip open hopper cars seen at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad scrap rail and tie pile that is situated next to the yard at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad yard view from across Depot Street of the various freight cars seen in downtown Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad yard view with various freight cars and a lone EMD GP39-2 locomotive # 3932 along with the Evergreen Paper Food Containment Packaging Facility in the background at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad view toward the end of first portion of yard to the railroad bridge where it crosses the Pigeon River to reach second portion of the yard at Canton, NC. 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad yard view detailing a portion of the first yard area and the second yard area that's across the Pigeon River at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad tele view of the second portion of the yard that is situated across the Pigeon River Bridge at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad yard and the Evergreen Paper Food Containment Packaging Facility at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Another portion Evergreen Paper Food Containment Packaging Facility of which the Blue Ridge Southern Railroad serves at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
A small portion of the Evergreen Paper Food Containment Packaging Facility of which the Blue Ridge Southern Railroad serves at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad yard engine service & maintainence area with EMD SD40-2 locomotive # 4205 & GP39-2 locomotive # 3932 seen at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad refurbished wheel, axle & Brenco Roller bearing assembly is seen on a stub end siding in the yard at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad yard area with refurbished wheel, axle & roller bearing assemblies seen along with covered hopper cars along side of the Evergreen Paper Food Containment Products Facility at Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022
Blue Ridge Southern Railroad EMD SD40-2 locomotive # 4205 cab view with the yard and Evergreen Paper Food Containment Products Facility seen in the background, Canton, North Carolina, 9-16-2022