cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Spotted Thick Knee
Queen of the Swarm: Catching the red eye
Wizard CG: Eternity begins and ends with the ocean's tides.
Ioannis Ks: Morning in the harbour
Paul McGoveran: Red-breasted Merganser(F) 7503
Mobile Lynn: Sedge Warbler 851_3261.jpg
Rayladur: Jaseur d'Amérique - Cedar Waxwing
Peter Goll Thanks for 32 Mio views: 20180607_Urlaub_Schzwld_0122.jpg
billoddie3: Puffin, Fratercula Arctica
Colin Pacitti: iridescent colours of male sunbird
aliceA321: Come with me into the trees.
dom67150: Mésange charbonnière - Great tit
Teruhide Tomori: Warbling white-eye
Bernard Fabbro: orite à longue queue / long-tailed tit 25C_0816
Paul McGoveran: Sandhill Crane 8282
Andi Fritzsch: Auf Schusters Rappen
sdupimages: Le Jour Se Lève
sberkley123: Aurora Magic at Unstad Beach, Norway
Kirk Lougheed: South to Badwater
Stefan-Zimmermann-Official: Cinematic Industrial Night Glow at Rheinhafen Karlsruhe, Germany
dklaughman: Cooper's Hawk...IM8A0901CR3AT2
Chief Bwana: Curvy Color Plaza on Top Rock
Simon Mark Lane: Baby-Love
Howard Le: Snow-Covered Turner Falls, Oklahoma
Mirabell70: Jays at the feeder 😘
fabrizio daminelli : Pertus landscape - Bergamo - Italy