Kaelyn Elara: The sky, a perfect empty canvas, offers clouds nonetheless. They shift and drift and beg interpretation... such is the nature of art.
Claudia Pomfret: before & after
Taylor Wassep: 95. | Madam
Kaelyn Elara: Wayside Sacrament
Nase Nagy: Hair Fair 2013 [tram]
Kaelyn Elara: Ehm just me having some fun in PS =)
-Fashion Teller House-: FT - Femme Fatale: Ellendir Khandr as "The Evil Queen"
Ananya Mai in SecondLife: A bit prude, but timeless.
♫Gabi♫: Week of: Flora and Fauna 1 - Happy Ass Monday style
Roy Mildor/ Photographer: Kinda Protecting
CapCat Ragu: The grief bringer
Marco - Clef de Peau: Hope for Emilia.
RubyStarlight Writer: Make You Feel My Love
Rainey Manx: NRD Banner Antique Brown
kynne L.: Quiet before the Storm