sobieski_45: M82 / NGC3034 - The Cigar Galaxy in Ursa Maior
Pegaso0970: NGC7000 North America Nebula
sobieski_45: NGC7822 / Sh2-171 / CED214 - Star forming regions and dust clouds in Cepheus
sobieski_45: NGC7380 / Sh2-142 - The Wizard Nebula in Cepheus
astrocentejo (La Tierra se me queda pequeña): Nebulosa de Flujo Integrado12teselas
sobieski_45: M106 / NGC4258 in Canes Venatici
sobieski_45: IC410 in Auriga - The Tadpoles
sobieski_45: NGC1435 - The Merope Nebula
sobieski_45: M42 in Orion
Sebastiano Recupero: LBN 442 (The Gecko Nebula)
sobieski_45: NGC7129 and associated nebulosity
Sebastiano Recupero: LDN 1235, vdB149, vdB150 (The Shark Nebula).
Giovanni astrobond69: ngc7365 ts130 sx814 RfR narrow 2
sobieski_45: NGC7023 - The Iris Nebula
sobieski_45: NGC6960 - The Veil Nebula around 52 Cyg
sobieski_45: NGC281 - The "Pacman" Nebula In Cassiopeia
Sebastiano Recupero: Starparty delle Madonie, 31/07/2016.
Sebastiano Recupero: East Veil Nebula (NGC6992, NGC6995, IC1430)
Giovanni astrobond69: ngc 6992 qhy9 sw100ed narrrow band
Dani.S.: ste @ pista winner