SenseOfElation: You disappoint me.
SenseOfElation: Confusion.
rogaher: Reminiscencia veraniega
frkbirgitte: Black and white
xladyoflight: They left you alone in the dark
Regina Phalange.: All by myself.
xladyoflight: No duermas ¡te quedan muchos colores que explorar!
rogaher: Be water my friend
SenseOfElation: Plug in.
rogaher: Ghosts
rogaher: Airplane
rogaher: Oh... wait
-Ashtray Heart: A storm is coming
-Ashtray Heart: Delicate
Pineapple Jam: Life Will Flash Before My Eyes, So Scattered And Lost, I Want To Touch The Other Side.
xladyoflight: Me gusta tu pelo despeinado, que se mueve con el viento a ritmo del compás del corazón.
rogaher: Go!
claudiam95: Friendly cat
Taotzu Chang: 299/365
Pixelin Photo: Xacobeo 2010 -
Pixelin Photo: Xacobeo 2010 -
Pixelin Photo: Xacobeo 2010 -
Pixelin Photo: Xacobeo 2010 -
xladyoflight: ¡Creo que he perdido mi zapato!
rogaher: "Debodción" por este lugar...