daisuke abel: 凌晨4:45 馬路上
daisuke abel: #x158 - #natureamplified
daisuke abel: #wdywt #whattheliberty #Airmax90 #nike What the Liberty!
daisuke abel: 星路
daisuke abel: 晴 大暑
daisuke abel: #wdywt  #kd6 #kd #preheat  #supreme 压了一天马路…
daisuke abel: #wdywt  #woven #footscape #nikesportswear #nike 久违的woven。thanks to 井林
daisuke abel: #kd6 #supreme #preheat #kd #Nike #wdywt #sole #sunshine 暫新
daisuke abel: 每代KD我只收一双,6代可能要破例咯(^_^)
daisuke abel: #diesel party
daisuke abel: INGITE SH
daisuke abel: 減肥刻不容緩。
daisuke abel: BACK TO GYM
daisuke abel: #wdywt give me the energy power! #Airyeezy #Airyeezy2
daisuke abel: #Airmax #Airmax90 独立日 #wdywt
daisuke abel: Today,早
daisuke abel: Heng. Love it! thank you my bro!@qimu88
daisuke abel: OUTFIT TODAY
daisuke abel: 对。比。
daisuke abel: 巨大的iron man…
daisuke abel: #wdywt  #visvim  #converse  休日look
daisuke abel: 夏天要有夏天的样
daisuke abel: 涨姿势~
daisuke abel: COLOR…
daisuke abel: #airjordan1 #wdywt old pack~~~#levis #lvc #44501
daisuke abel: #Flyknit @drjoeyoung (^◇^)