alaskapublicmedia: Pete Kaiser mushing into the White Mountain checkpoint. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA.)
alaskapublicmedia: Wade Marrs hauls water to his dogs from a hole in the ice at the White Mountain checkpoint. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA.)
alaskapublicmedia: Pete Kaiser mushing into the White Mountain checkpoint and his dogs still raring to go. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA.)
alaskapublicmedia: Pete Kaiser mushing into the White Mountain checkpoint. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA.)
alaskapublicmedia: Nicholas Petit talking with Aliy Zirkle at the checkpoint in White Mountain as auroras dance overhead. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA.)
alaskapublicmedia: Pete Kaiser mushing into the White Mountain checkpoint. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA.)
alaskapublicmedia: Pete Kaiser getting water from the hole in the ice cut into the Fish River at the checkpoint. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA.)
alaskapublicmedia: Mushers working on their sleds and teams below the dancing auroras in White Mountain. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: Mushers working on their sleds and teams below the dancing auroras in White Mountain (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: Joar Ulsom arriving in White Mountain. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: Brent Sass couldn't get his dogs to leave White Mountain. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: Brent Sass's dogs did not want to leave White Mountain. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: Brent Sass's dogs did no want to leave White Mountain. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: Brent Sass just before his first attempt at departing White Mountain. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: Brent Sass at the White Mountain checkpoint waiting for his 8 hour mandatory rest to end. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: Aliy Zirkle getting ready to leave White Mountain. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: Mushers racing between Nulato and Kaltag. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes, KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: Kelly Maixner getting ready to leave Unalakleet after resting their for a few hours. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes, KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: Ray Reddington Jr Leaving Unalakleet Sunday afternoon wearing a beautiful seal-skin cap as he heads north up the coast. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes, KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: Kelly Maixner affectionately bootying a sleepy sled dog before leaving for Shaktoolik. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes, KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: Royer looking for drop bags upon arriving in Unalakleet and departing almost immediately afterwards. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes, KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: Jessie Royer mushing into the Unalakleet checkpoint, where she stopped very briefly before heading on up the coast. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes, KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: Alone inside a Piper Navajo. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes, KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: A prop plane in Nulato. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes, KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: DeeDee Jonrowe approaching the checkpoint in Galena Saturday evening (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: DeeDee Jonrowe approaching the checkpoint in Galena Saturday evening (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: DeeDee Jonrowe approaching the checkpoint in Galena Saturday evening (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: A pile of spent straw in Galena. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: Kids sledding down a small hill by the checkpoint in Galena.(Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA)
alaskapublicmedia: Paige Drobny watches Allen Moore leave the Galena checkpoint as a plane takes off. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA)