alanthonyc: image
alanthonyc: image
alanthonyc: Hermosa, California Sunset #138
alanthonyc: Mochi Face
alanthonyc: Hermosa Sunset #137
alanthonyc: beautiful rays
alanthonyc: Night time lifeguard contest. #hermosabeach
alanthonyc: hermosa plank
alanthonyc: Giant Jenga #hermosa
alanthonyc: Happy 4th!
alanthonyc: Gas in BFE is expensive. $5 between SF and LA.
alanthonyc: ...and her fluffy big bro.
alanthonyc: helping babysit the niece
alanthonyc: (trying this again) #wwdc paying off already. Thanks Wipit!
alanthonyc: life == good
alanthonyc: sunset
alanthonyc: i guess it's springtime
alanthonyc: Okay, i have a "garden." One parsley, one tomato. We'll see how it goes.
alanthonyc: randall @engineyard and @whiskycraig thanks for the good stuff monday. fandabbydozy!
alanthonyc: box looks like an egg! Interestinger and interestinger...
alanthonyc: hmmm...
alanthonyc: @kevlarmedia Look what I got.
alanthonyc: goodbye seattle #aea
alanthonyc: my #iphone is full
alanthonyc: disassembled
alanthonyc: the tv
alanthonyc: 42 pounds of geek