patricia.hoedts: Ànec cullerot comu - Cuchara comun - Northern shoveler - Canard souchet - Spatula clypeata
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samwoodsbirding: Palm salad (served with Maito fish)
samwoodsbirding: View from deck at Yachana Lodge towards Rio Napo (Ecuador)
The Treerunner: Bullfinch, female
philippeoros: Bihoreau gris
Rayladur: Bruant des plaines - Clay-Colored Sparrow
DaveSPN: Saved!
DaveSPN: Running For Cover - HBBBT
DaveSPN: Is That Mum?
Aiel: Paddyfield Warbler (Acrocephalus agricola), Begur Lake, Bangalore
Aiel: White Wagtail (Motacilla alba), Bhigwan, Pune
Xx7trey: Ruby-crowned kinglet (Corthylio calendula)
Adam Blyth: Ruddy Turnstone
Eric Gofreed: Nature’s Ornament: A Waxwing and its Berry
Adam Blyth: Great Crested Grebe
Sultan Sultani: Golden-crowned Sparrow Open Wings
jackez2010: Mésange bleue_A919847_DxO
jackez2010: Rouge-gorge A1_05289_DxO
kearneyjoe: Wild Turkey
Adam Blyth: Far Eastern Curlew
Adam Blyth: Red-necked Stint
patricia.hoedts: Oca de galta blanca - Barnacla cariblanca - Barnacle goose - Bernache nonnette - Branta leucopsis