lovemaus: New holiday bandana :D
j-fi: Momentarily illuminated
Speckled Jim: Always wanted one of these #pantone #mug #oldschool
Tom Armitage: I love this place
stavioni: South West Trains 450103
dbmmedia: Statue Of Mikhail Bulgakov - Andrew's Descent, Kiev, Ukraine
Adam Tandy: CG Flyer bg
Tom Armitage: CASH NO SALE
ruzel: An Erdös Coin for my Dad (front side)
CryFreedom: dictionary
Tom Armitage: Well, that clears everything up.
Robin: Tilly in the park pt3
Steve Bowbrick: Matthew Dodd at Radio 3
horrigans: Doing the crossword...
Catfunt: Two Pipe Problem
Jen 170: The Sea Front
kcorrick: Phil reads from @barefoot_techie 's #barefootbook
Bods: Welcoming Sheep
Phil Gyford: Captain Scotch Egg
jem: Why the long face ?
Martin Deutsch: White Asparagus Feastivül
pink_pixie21: Sad mole
Phil Gyford: Captain Pugwash myth
Myles Noton: Bus Stop
STML: The Iraq War: Wikipedia Historiography
Phil Gyford: Barfly
LoopZilla: Tesco to Cheshunt
Kew on Flickr: Guinea fowl at Kew Gardens