lada/photo: IMG_8289_ What month is this?
lada/photo: IMG_8306_rough's a beach.
lada/photo: IMG_8298_moment in life.
lada/photo: IMG_4497_Surf day.
lada/photo: IMG_2914_today's common scene...
lada/photo: IMG_3012_they come here... EXPLORE 10_28_16
lada/photo: IMG_8046_The money machine.
lada/photo: IMG_3672_not over yet...
lada/photo: IMG_7793_Ocean Rescue Competition.
lada/photo: IMG_3101_Venice Beach.
lada/photo: IMG_6247_Running with birds.
lada/photo: IMG_2773_alone.
lada/photo: IMG_2728_Us and nature.
lada/photo: IMG_5513_Wake up call.
lada/photo: IMG_5524_the low tide rider.
lada/photo: IMG_5535_morza szum...(edited in Aviary.)
lada/photo: IMG_5405_they bring us to the beaches.
lada/photo: IMG_5345_Fernandina Beach FL. "no Wisconsin's money wanted."
lada/photo: IMG_4568_Daytona Beach resident bird.
lada/photo: IMG_2328_Siesta Beach, FL. USA.
lada/photo: IMG_2255_Late Sunday afternoon walk.
lada/photo: IMG_2144_Biking Fort Myers Beach
lada/photo: IMG_2043_as the high tide approches.
lada/photo: IMG_3835_She left Warsaw.
lada/photo: IMG_3839_We need to stop.
lada/photo: IMG_3821_Being together till sunset..
lada/photo: IMG_2048_Marching in October.
lada/photo: IMG_1913_Mellow under the yellow.
lada/photo: IMG_3262_Under the red umbrella.
lada/photo: IMG_1935_not before it's over.