lada/photo: _MG_0573_another killer spike.
lada/photo: _MG_0736_saying so long to her fans.
lada/photo: _MG_0734_fianal smile.
lada/photo: _MG_0707_vocal.
lada/photo: _MG_0704_come to mama.
lada/photo: _MG_0680_there'll be better games.
lada/photo: _MG_0675_all fired up.
lada/photo: _MG_0673_it says it all.
lada/photo: _MG_0667_I can't belive this.
lada/photo: _MG_0665_what's wrong tonight.
lada/photo: _MG_0664_a sign of, let's get'em.
lada/photo: _MG_0661_stunned
lada/photo: _MG_0648_one of those games.
lada/photo: _MG_0615_Minnesota to serve.
lada/photo: _MG_0608_a good story.
lada/photo: _MG_0602_here it comes.
lada/photo: _MG_0589_that one flew by.
lada/photo: _MG_0588_A service dig