lada/photo: The rest, just stringing along.
lada/photo: Houston, we have a lift-off.
lada/photo: Extention and hip action.
lada/photo: action in a discus cage.
lada/photo: This one's for Mom.
lada/photo: The form.
lada/photo: Splash.
lada/photo: Running in style.
lada/photo: Staying calm.
lada/photo: Perfection.
lada/photo: Success.
lada/photo: Struggle.
lada/photo: 400m win.
lada/photo: A dream jump.
lada/photo: Now the leggs...
lada/photo: Little adjustment.
lada/photo: Long stride.
lada/photo: Aming for a record.
lada/photo: anticipation.
lada/photo: checking her marking.
lada/photo: too bad...
lada/photo: a touch of green.
lada/photo: at a right angle
lada/photo: C me run
lada/photo: crumple