lada/photo: Chicago skyline B&W
lada/photo: no one's dinning...
lada/photo: how tall will we go?
lada/photo: Stack of chairs
lada/photo: FORTE SEA - Chicago
lada/photo: Chicago, not too long ago..
lada/photo: Cabs in front of Merch. Mart.
lada/photo: Memories...of a PFC.
lada/photo: Raised bridge.
lada/photo: a city that's fit, Chicago.
lada/photo: Not this year.
lada/photo: The windy city.
lada/photo: Welcome to Chicago.
lada/photo: Da Dog...
lada/photo: IMG_9401.jpg_Monroe Harbor, Chicago, IL.
lada/photo: IMG_1570.jpg_Chicago, IL. Mich. Ave. Bridge.
lada/photo: IMG_1565.jpg_Chicago Tribune, Tower.