Al Boerema: Dinner after the last concert
Al Boerema: Curry wurst
Al Boerema: Concert in beautiful church.
Al Boerema: World clock in Alexanderplatz
Al Boerema: Remnants of church bombed in WWII
Al Boerema: On the tour bus.
Al Boerema: Berlin Hauptbahnhof (train station)
Al Boerema: “Ich bin ein Berliner”
Al Boerema: Giant twist tie sculpture
Al Boerema: Cooling feet in the Gera River
Al Boerema: Kramerbruche shops
Al Boerema: Erfurt Cathedral
Al Boerema: Very old church in Erfurt
Al Boerema: Leipzig
Al Boerema: Dinner after the last concert of the Bach Festival
Al Boerema: Talking to one of the performers that I follow on youtube.
Al Boerema: Backstage after B Minor Mass performance
Al Boerema: Ice cream
Al Boerema: Mom chatting with the conductor of the Bakersfield Choir.
Al Boerema: Bakersfield College Choir
Al Boerema: Performers of St. John Passion
Al Boerema: Saturday morning service at Nicolaikirche
Al Boerema: Evening street scene in Leipzig
Al Boerema: Nicolai Kirche
Al Boerema: J. S. Bach statue in front of the Thomaskirche
Al Boerema: Coffee time
Al Boerema: Morning service at St Michael's Church
Al Boerema: Thomaskirche in the evening
Al Boerema: Concert at Thomaskirche
Al Boerema: Market Square in Leipzig