arubow4: Catawba rhododendron
arubow4: Black-eyed Susan
arubow4: Coneflower
arubow4: Tickseed
arubow4: Hydrangea
arubow4: Japanese Iris
arubow4: Dahlia
arubow4: Narrow Leaved Onion
arubow4: Roses
arubow4: ROSE
arubow4: Rose
arubow4: Easy Wave Yellow Petunias
arubow4: Rose
arubow4: Daylily
arubow4: This tastes so good!
arubow4: Just taking a nap
arubow4: Lower Manhattan Skyline viewed from Brooklyn Promenade
arubow4: Harlequin glorybower
arubow4: Indian Blanket
arubow4: Blanket Flower
arubow4: Sacred Lotus
arubow4: Sumac
arubow4: Enjoying the view of Lower Manhattan skyline
arubow4: Dahlia
arubow4: Dahlia with guest
arubow4: Rose