70's guy: great look
akinoluna: DSC_3608
aka creativity: 4x4 beeswax collage
Max East: giraffe convention
MIREILLE美麗: Maiko girl in Kioto
velco: The Great Kyoto Conspiracy 6
Masahiro Makino: 北野天満宮 梅花祭 Baika-sai, Kitano-tenmanguh shrine
manganite: Close your eyes and think of Japan...
suttonhoo: New Year's Portrait
suttonhoo: geisha
kyotonils: Wisteria Geisha
Simon Starr: A Geisha in Gion, Kyoto, Japan
ashramlambert83: Geisha for Hire
品晶: Geisha, Gion Higashi (祇園東), Kyoto (京都), Japan (日本)
Lovelyhoneybee: Naosome-chan
Lovelyhoneybee: Nawokazu-chan's hair accessories for November
Lovelyhoneybee: Smiling Nawokazu
Lovelyhoneybee: Katsuya and Katsuru
Lovelyhoneybee: Katsuru loves her One-san
Lovelyhoneybee: Naosome came in front of Otemae
Lovelyhoneybee: Naosome & Umesato
Lovelyhoneybee: Hikae is Naosome
Lovelyhoneybee: Naosome & Umesato
ravengirl1220: Geisha for the day 1
Riesling Dream: 3 Geishas in Kyoto, Sep 2007- Left: Geisha (Geiko), Right: Senior Maiko (apprentice), Middle: Junior Maiko (apprentice)
endoking: Geishas: An Endangered Species....
xroad: Geisha