Morgana Hilra: One of the cutest couples on SL!
Ziki Questi: a Petrovsky flux 9
Dot San: 3D printed dodo
Ziki Questi: The Miniature Goal 4
quecava: IMGP3494
quecava: IMGP3427
Burnee: Global Cooling
Perhaps Twine: -. wOrdS oF vIoLencE .-
Annie Ok: Annie Ok as a Glitch avatar
Praiter Yed: Escape From New York: Snake Plissken
hitasura: Eyepatch part trois!
Maylee_Oh: Acces Libre - BND - Flower eyepatch I
Gwenette Writer Sinclair: vwCloudParty DoubleLogin2012June20
0703: Spielzeugstrasse
chrissybaby1965: Deutsche Spielzeugstrasse
carlynorama: 3D Printing Day 2: Picking a Software, 3DTin
gogolita: Abiss
Hiro Sheridan: OpenSim Orac
moonlightbulb: Glowing child sculpture
moonlightbulb: Glowing brain statue
alexxis: DSC_9310
Opensource Obscure: My Google+ Profile has been suspended because I'm using my Second Life avatar identity
Moti Moody: ¡Feliz Cumpleaños Second Life!
Nokton: Setting up Bento Box Geo Radiation detector #bGeigie for Fukushima ride for
ed100: bainmusic