Øşø: wake up
Øşø: revive
Øşø: control your emotions
Øşø: kyoto
Øşø: hey
Øşø: hello darkness my old friend
Øşø: rooftop
Øşø: eyes
Øşø: fly with me
Øşø: pet me
Øşø: face off
Øşø: Dont
Øşø: vintage
Øşø: fallen warrior
Øşø: special
Øşø: dragon queen
Øşø: ethereal
Øşø: you were good to me
Øşø: gaze
Øşø: falcon
Øşø: caged
Øşø: broken
Øşø: calm
Øşø: jester
Øşø: equinox
Øşø: corrupted
Øşø: throne
Øşø: drag me back
Øşø: nostalgic
Øşø: draken