Saguaro Pictures: The Unknown Trail
Rita Petita: Mr Wu on the skywalk
Penny Hyde: The Eyes of the Tiger
craigchaddock: DSC_0063-1
D Stewart PDX: Portrait of time
Laney Bird: Pyrrhuloxia (male)
Paul Pryor: AZ monsoon sunset
allophile: Wildflowers, wildfire recovery, rain on a nearby peak...
BillikenHawkeye: The Road to Mt. Lemmon
Corsey21: We Have Color Here Too, Brah
Corsey21: Petco from Downtown
Corsey21: Sunrise over San Diego Bay
Corsey21: Scripps Pier - San Diego
shadowxlover: HipstaPrint
LukeDetwiler: Multnomah Falls
almonkey: Crumbling Away... EXPLORED!
Louis Murphy: Brinkhill, Lincolnshire Wolds
Ran Z: Sun bath in the morning (Explored)
Alejandro Bonilla: Pileta pública, Santiago de Chile.
Juan J Martinez.: Bubble bubble. (Explore).
manu barcelo: Proud Like The Sun.
Oscar Tarneberg: Balloon over Bagan
►CubaGallery: new york
►CubaGallery: business
golf9c9333: More Mordor
Ivan Safyan Abrams: All 6 "Thunderbirds" in formation, Tucson, AZ, April 13, 2014.