Cedric Maillard: Vignoble du Lavaux
davidgardiner8: Carrion Crow-28
archiphot56: DOGLE sur Wendy
archiphot56: Wendy Teeshirt 1
archiphot56: Lac de Gourin 12 of November at 6.30pm
archiphot56: The pose Taken with the Nikkor Prime 55mm at f5.6
archiphot56: Liliane & Alain (L'amour apporte de la chaleur en hiver). Thanks to Ronald ;-)
archiphot56: New statue (par le petit trou de la lorgnette) Merci à Regi pour le titre. Sant Bieuzhi (St Bieuzy)
archiphot56: Portrait with wide angle at Huelgoat
wximagery: The South Platte
Netsrak: Ancient Forest
ianrwmccracken: Dunfermline Abbey
alaszlo6267: Chapeau
jdroach: More of Our Tree Ornaments-5
Kadu Flyer: Alpe di Cisles, Seceda, Dolomiti
Dan Haug: Welcome Back
antoinebouyer: La vie des araignées
Mike Gass: Lucky
antoinebouyer: Sauterelle posée sur une fleur
"What's in the box?!": North Coast, Egypt
George Kurzik: Fleeing Ornament
gcampbellphoto: Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
archiphot56: Sensual leaves 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
archiphot56: Huelgoat "The edge of the World" Thanks to Jane for the title
archiphot56: Valley of the gods 70-300mm Sigma vintage at f16