Gordana AM: Free flowing / U pokretu
Gordana AM: Gold, blue and grey / Zlatno, sivo i plavo
Gordana AM: Letting go / Pusti da prodje
Gordana AM: End of a visit
Gordana AM: Walking on water
Gordana AM: Proudly Canadian
Gordana AM: Persistance / Uprkos
Gordana AM: Drunk / Opijen
Gordana AM: The hand that holds the flower / Ruka sa cvijetom
Gordana AM: Wild hyacinth / Divlji zumbuli
Gordana AM: Head out amongst the trees / Potraži drveće
Gordana AM: Il pleut / Kiši
Gordana AM: Fresh
Gordana AM: Hugo the Lion
Gordana AM: Seriously reflective
Gordana AM: As I see them
Gordana AM: My boy Autumn / Dječak Jesen
Gordana AM: One by one they leave / Jedan za drugim, odlaze...
Gordana AM: Willy
Gordana AM: Many roads not taken / Raskršća
Gordana AM: Welcome to the Bigs
Gordana AM: Bird of Paradise / Rajska Ptica
Gordana AM: Maui bound / Veslima za Maui
Gordana AM: A dude in the mood / Ne diraj me viš da sam tinejdžer
Gordana AM: Smile, you are fourteen / Nasmij se, puniš četrnaest godina
Gordana AM: GreenPeas - 7
Gordana AM: GreenPeas - 12 / Mladi grasak
Gordana AM: Early Summer Sun Dance / rani ljetni ples
Gordana AM: Cherry Red Columbines
Gordana AM: Color of the year: ultra violet