tungtong: SIN_4138 copy
Eric Lafforgue: Girl Praying, Village Of Caconda, Angola
Eric Lafforgue: Baining fire dance East New Britain province, Papua New Guinea.
Eric Lafforgue: The Tshirt with the strange logo - Jinka Ethiopia
Eric Lafforgue: Karo tribe warrior - Omo Valley Ethiopia
Eddie . .: 2005 Hong Kong
Eric Lafforgue: Donga stick fighting in Surma tribe - Ethiopia
Eric Lafforgue: Miss Binki Mama with scars on her face, Karrayyu tribe - Ethiopia
Eric Lafforgue: Mudimba Girl With A Beaded Wig Called Ena, Village Of Combelo, Angola
Eric Lafforgue: Omani kids in Sinaw - Oman
JoyHey: Love Game
jezikalyn: 353/365
deviantskies: 017/365
Eric Lafforgue: Intore dancer - Rwanda