3V0M: Foggy...
3V0M: Let's go for a 1.6km walk till the end if the jetty...
3V0M: upload
3V0M: upload
3V0M: Lights on...
3V0M: The smooth transition into a different colour...
3V0M: A bit more to soak it in...
3V0M: The multi shades of hues...
3V0M: Break fast... Done 6 الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبّالْعَالَمِينَِ
3V0M: More?
3V0M: Maghrib at my fav jetty...
3V0M: O how I miss thee...
3V0M: Limestone walls of the Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse... since 1903.
3V0M: AUD8 million lead crystal lens...
3V0M: 1/4 selfie!
3V0M: Blue!
3V0M: Lunch by the sea...
3V0M: Where is the moon?
3V0M: Raya selfie!
3V0M: Uncle n niece.
3V0M: @asyraf_emir saved the best for last upload! 1 Syawal with 2 bros!
3V0M: DJ Foz n DJ Ran!
3V0M: Selfie raya ke-2!
3V0M: Kids beraya in the digital age...
3V0M: Dengan tokey Lawung!
3V0M: upload
3V0M: upload
3V0M: upload
3V0M: الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبّالْعَالَمِينَِ
3V0M: @asyraf_emir @min_zah @fuadhalim @faris_soley @ejasrahim