dave.smith74: DSC_6315
dave.smith74: I was hoping you wouldn't notice
dave.smith74: Purply petals
dave.smith74: Praying for mantis
dave.smith74: Myrmecia - Bull ant
dave.smith74: Another Opisthoncus (sp?)?
dave.smith74: Pancorius (sp?) jumping spider
dave.smith74: Another backyard salticidae - Sp. Servaea
dave.smith74: White Moth - Hong Kong - (possibly Scirpophaga Nivella)
dave.smith74: Mimicry - Myrmarachne (possibly) magna
dave.smith74: Opisthoncus polyphemus with fangs
dave.smith74: Therevidae - Stiletto fly
dave.smith74: Caterpillar head
dave.smith74: Backyard Salticidae 6 - Opisthoncus polyphemus
dave.smith74: Backyard salticidae 5, Perth, WA. Elegant White-moustached Simaethula
dave.smith74: Another backyard Salticidae 4 - Perth WA
dave.smith74: Demi-brow! Another backyard salticidae - Opisthoncus species
dave.smith74: Backyard Salticidae 2, Perth, WA.
dave.smith74: Backyard Salticidae, Perth, WA.
dave.smith74: Typhoon Dragonfly - Pantala flavescens
dave.smith74: Yet another minuscule spider - Oecobius
dave.smith74: Another tiny spider - Oecobius
dave.smith74: fly - well, duh
dave.smith74: Drinking straws - out of focus
dave.smith74: Hongky Konk
dave.smith74: Keylight Leaves
dave.smith74: More straws - in colour!
dave.smith74: Cautious Pigeon
dave.smith74: Old Flame