*Gossy*: "Mama? Will you build me a blue race car?" Why yes son, yes I will. #lego #legoracecar #rockinmylegoskills
*Gossy*: My first attempt at #BobRoss #painting. #nailedit
*Gossy*: "Hey Oscar! Can you hug the lion and give me a big smile so I can get a cute picture of you like last year?" . . . Yep.
*Gossy*: Enjoyed a wonderful third birthday party at the park with family and friends! And a BLUE RHINO ON MY CAKE!! Can't believe my tiny tater tot is three!
*Gossy*: Unrequited Scars ~ RL ~
*Gossy*: Today
*Gossy*: Rows and flows of angel hair. And ice cream castles in the air. And feather canyons everywhere. I've looked at clouds that way. But now they only block the sun. They rain and snow on everyone. So many things I would have done, but clouds got in my way. I'
*Gossy*: In the half light a rush of violence is in the place. And if a look could kill you'd need a license for your face. You say that love is blind, and I'm the one who restored your sight. The girl who never knows. I'm the girl who never knows. I've never once
*Gossy*: Yesterday I stood and stared wide eyed in front of you And the face I saw looked back the way I wanted to But I just can't hold my tears away the way you do Elise, believe I never wanted this I thought this time I'd keep all of my promises I thought you w
*Gossy*: Do you remember where we are? How we got here, and pushed it too far? If I forget you, and what you said I'll be left alone with memories and an empty bed. Is it any wonder why my eyes still need you? Is it any wonder why? You think I'm crazy, but I kn
*Gossy*: Nothing like a little walking the canal path, in the 70 degree sunny weather, listen to Harry Potter audiobooks to brighten your work day! Well, at least for me there is nothing like it to cheer me up 😊
*Gossy*: Fairport Canal Days 2015 was a success! Beautiful day, definitely not too hot, lots of fun walking and seeing trains and boats!
*Gossy*: Ah children ... Creating nightmare fuel with their delightful and whimsical googly eye obsessions ...
*Gossy*: These are our serious model faces.
*Gossy*: Trains are serious business at Day out with Thomas
*Gossy*: Apparently this is a comfortable way to watch TV?! He was like this for quite a while . . .
*Gossy*: Noodles for dinner? Yes please!
*Gossy*: Friday! This jacket is like my new security blanket too. I loves it.
*Gossy*: He suddenly started calling me "Mommy" last night instead of "Mama". It's so awesome and weird when he suddenly grows up out of no where.
*Gossy*: My child is boycotting pants. He told me he needed to use the potty, got his pants off, then refused to use the potty and said he wanted to sit with bare legs on the couch. I'm letting him because I'm an awesome parent.
*Gossy*: I'm kind of getting sick of my long hair. And debating chopping it off. But last time I did that it kind of ended in tears and disaster so ...
*Gossy*: 01.01.2015 - The things I do to amuse my cranky two and almost a half year old. PS - I'm wearing a goofy wig 😊😉
*Gossy*: I'm sorry Monday, but you and I need to break up (actually I'm not sorry) #mondayssuck
*Gossy*: Allowing him to play with the entire package of new #postit sticky notes probably wasn't the smartest idea ... Entire stack ripped apart and strewn about in T-minus 3.725 minutes!
*Gossy*: Dinner. Because Fat is no longer acceptable. Bonus Turkey Hat made by the cutest two year old ever. #smoothie is two cups of pineapple, handful of green leaf lettuce, handful of cilantro, juice of one lime, one cup of water, handful of ice cubes. I though
*Gossy*: Hat I knitted for Little Man got some action this weekend! I'm so excited by how well it fits. Need to wash and block it out a bit still but otherwise it's perfect! Now he needs a Christmas color themed one!
*Gossy*: 10.16.14 - Healthy eating Day Three. This smoothie brought to you after literally 30 minutes of sobbing tears. My #Blendtec Wildside jar I just bought and have minimally used decided to break mid-smoothie creation this morning. The rubber bottom around th
*Gossy*: 10.15.14 - Healthy eating Day Two! Still craving chocolate like crazy so made a chocolate peanut butter banana smoothie for breakfast. If this doesn't kick the exhaustion I woke up with in the butt I don't know what will. Also pictured, half of my raspber
*Gossy*: 10.14.14 - Okay this was horrible lighting ... Healthy dinner though. This was only a quarter of the actual salad and quinoa I made. Kale salad recipe was from @ohsheglows modified a bit for my not too adventurous yet taste buds. I feel overly full after
*Gossy*: 10.14.14 - Day One of revived healthy eating plan. My recent descent into the chaos of junk food has done nothing good. Need some way to keep myself on track though, so Instagram accountability? This is my go-to blueberry smoothie to start off the day.