Afzal H.:
Autumn colours in the Norwegian mountains. This photo is from this year's "boys trip" to Husedalen in Hordaland county
Afzal H.:
Sunset view of Amsterdam in the Netherlands from the 12th floor of Hotel Okura Amsterdam
Afzal H.:
Sunset at "Ulsrudvann" lake, located in the forest surrounding Oslo. A lot of people come out to skate on the frozen lake on clear, beautiful days like this.
Afzal H.:
Happy tricking and treating tonight! Remember, too much candy will give you nightmares :-)
Afzal H.:
The 19 km hike from Østerbø to Vassbygdi in the Aurlandsdalen valley in Norway is very demanding. However, in return it rewards you with beautiful natural scenery like this waterfall. The spot is perfect for a break before continuing on along the river