pbertner: 'Fried egg' fungus (Moelleriella sp.)
pbertner: Spider with cordyceps infection (Gibellula sp.)
pbertner: Wasp infected with branched cordyceps
pbertner: Spiny terrestrial isopod (Calmanesia sp.)
hoppzor: DSC_0061
The Searcher: Beginner's Bible Coloring Book!
The Searcher: Jesus! vs Darwin!
Andrea Cucconi: My first lightning shot
photo61guy: Mt. Rainier Descent
esther**: Sunset
Peter Adermark: Sunset
kiragon: Sand Glass: time's up
SFH3314: Clouds over Wrabness
JJ Zarate: Lampara
marlohk: Clouds on Fire
salvamesoto: Japan 06-03
KC DotNet: I could call it "Milky Way", but I wouldn't dare.
adrians_art: Morning Moods
Soffia Gisladottir: Tutorial - after
steve loya: "lemonhead tree"
dodgeon: sunset oil slick on water
nave7693: Nyctophobia_by_zygrael.jpg
nave7693: station_x_by_Feni_x.jpg
nave7693: Tourque_by_Jesus_Iscaroit.jpg
Mr. Physics: cream in the tea