steveczajka: The Raven Wallpaper on white
JSD-calligraphy: Brush Fraktur- John Stevens
bobsta14: upload
chamarelli: Al-dabarãn
spizh_: Deutsche Sprache — schwierige Sprache
Ferdinandus, d.s.: Calligraphy Ferdinandus, d.s. Sefer Yetzirá 06
Oriol Miró Genovart: Xmas Random House Mondadori
Misha Karagezyan: A B C D E F G H I J K L
bobsta14: Basingstoke
typesticker: Pen and Graver / Hermann Zapf
xelo garrigós: Basat en Deutschen Schrift de Rudolf Koch
billgrant43: Knit and sew
typesticker: Pen and Graver / Hermann Zapf
typesticker: Pen and Graver / Hermann Zapf
In Memoriam: mil3n: Zsófi & Dani
AndyBrii: Phrenology character types - Popular Educator 1854
Will Miller: Aura Script
AndyBrii: The National Encyclopedia 1884 - cover
Oriol Miró Genovart: Bartolomeo Sanvito workshop 2
steveczajka: Artist
Inоk: UC
Bela Frank: Metal tray from Oxfam
AndyBrii: Emynau Y Cyssegr Welsh Hymnal 1888 - cover
Calderon_type: Letras con influencias en mediavilla