aergia: moth
aergia: necker escalator
aergia: i have a penchant for stating the obvious
aergia: the human condition (with apologies to magritte)
aergia: empty
aergia: fall colors
aergia: wet
aergia: night lights
aergia: york york york york york
aergia: thanks god
aergia: flag
aergia: mimicry
aergia: smoke break
aergia: mondrian nipples
aergia: that vessel shot
aergia: eh, vancouver is okay
aergia: single file
aergia: the pack
aergia: fountain
aergia: jailbird
aergia: jacques cartier bridge
aergia: la grand roue de montréal
aergia: the french poodle
aergia: the english pug
aergia: well at least something's moving
aergia: tracks
aergia: skytrain
aergia: coal harbour
aergia: vancouver's most photogenic gas station
aergia: leap