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albums of turbodb
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00378 Chilly (AZ) Strip
00000 Canon R6 For Sale
00377 Favorite Photos 2024
00376 Death Valley Christmas
00375 Canyons of the Cottonwoods (DV)
00374 Exped Megamat Review - 5 Years Later
00373 First Impressions of Dyna R452 5th Gear
00372 The Quest for Better Gas Mileage
00371 Mojave Tree Planting
00370 Thrice Mice
00368 Bed Cracks Galore
00367 5th Gear Swap
00366 Rear Shock Swap - 12 ADS Piggybacks
00369 Guide - R452-R150F 5th Gear Swap
00365 Archive - Farnham Bridge
00364 Wheel Spacers Guide
00363 BORA Wheel Spacers
00362 Mt. Rainier
00361 Sunshine Coast
00360 Reverting SPC UCAs
00359 Sequoia Wheel and Kenda Klever RT First Impressions
00358 Cooper S/T Maxx Review
00357 Unexpectedly Wet in Canada
00356 Spherical Bearing and Rod End Replacement
00355 Upgrading Fender Flares
00353 New Tires - Kenda Klever RT
00352a Montana InterVANtion (unused)
00352 Montana InterVANtion
00351 Dash Navigation USB
00348 Perfecting the Chevy 63s
00350 Fixing the Rear e-Locker
00349 scheel-mann 2-year review
00347 Early Summer Sierra
00348 Montana InterVANtion
00346 White Mountains
00343 Air 3 Drone Crash
00342 Inyo West
00354 LutzAuto Removal
00344 Brake Pad Replacement
00341 Rear e-Locker Stuck On
00340 The Other Side
00338 Blackstone oil analysis
00339 Chevy 63 First Impressions
00337 Before and After
00334 Missed Death Valley
00335 Perfect Day for Something Stupid
00332 Step-by-Step Chevy 63 Leaf Springs
00331 Diamond Axle Housing Replacement
00330 Chevy 63 Leaf Springs
00336 AZBDR
00329 Joshua Tree
00328 CBI Tire Carrier Repair
00327 Clutch Spring Replacement
00345 Rig Review - Spring 2024
00325 EMHT (Segment 4)
00326 Mojave Megaphone - Archive
00324 Favorite Photos 2023
00323 Hawaii
00322 EMHT (Segment 3)
00320 Third Time's the Charm
00321 EMHT
00319 Connecting the Dots in Nevada
00317 Montana (extra)
00317 Montana
00316 DJI Air 3 Purchase
00315 Soaring Over the Sierra
00313 First Time Fishing
00312 Siskiyou Crest Adv Trail
00310 Replacing the Transmission Seal for the Transfer Case Input Shaft on a 1st gen Tacoma (or 3rd gen 4Runner)
00000 Archive - The Birthing Rock
00311 UTBDR
00309 Curse of the Pahranagat
00308 Fixing up the Tacoma for Vegas, Baby
00307 Ditching the ARB Fridge for Dometic
00306 Idoho-wyhee
00305 Three Days of R&R
00304 Rock Art Three Ways - Mojave Preserve
00303 My First Time in Joshua Tree
00302 Mine Mania - The Dale Mining District
00300 Left Behind - Again
00000 Archive - Desert Magazine
00299 Not the Rock Art I Was Looking For
00298 Death Valley Left Behind
00296a Favorite Photos 2022
00294 Inyo East
00293 Panamint City via Surprise Canyon
00292 Highway Hikes
00291 Hart Homesteads
00290 Eastern Sierra
00288 Olympic Peninsula Passages
00289 GMRS Radio Install
00287 Rig Review Sep 2022
00286 New SPC UCAs
00285 My Bed is All Cracked Up
00284 Me and Mike Kootenays
00284b All Photos
00283 Lassen NF BDT
00282 Plumas NF BDT
00281 WYBDR
00280 Slowing Down in the Sierra
00279 Garmin
00278 Old Guy Updates - Inflator, Tent Lights
00277 Tour of Cabins Steens Mountain
00270 Diode Dynamics SS5
00276 Owyhee Out-and-Back
00274 Step-by-Step Clutch Replacement
00275 Shop Days at Zanes
00273 Step-by-Step Timing Belt
00272 Nine Mile Canyon
00271 San Rafael Swell
00269 Bradshaw Trail
00268 Step by Step Leaf Spring Replacement
00267 Replacing the Alcan Leaf Springs
00266 Death Valley Almost Stranded
00265 Hiking Saline Valley
00264 Lipstick on the Pig (Death Valley)
00263 scheel-mann seat install
00262 TacomaWorld 2022 Calendar
00261 Step-by-Step Transfer Case Replacement
00260 Transfer Case Swap
00259 Favorite Photos 2021
00258 Gear Roundup 2021
00257b Back for More - Death Valley (unused)
00257 Back for More - Death Valley
00256 Panamint Mountains
00255 Owlshead Mountains
00254 Last Minute Rush
00252 Axle Housing Patch
00253 Rebuilding ADS Shocks
00251 Step-by-Step Shock Rebuild King
00250 Step-by-Step Shock Rebuild ADS
00249 Steering Rack Replacement
00248 Step by Step Steering Rack Replacement
00247 Aftermath - Creek, Dixie Fire
00246 Rady Can't Wait
00245 Diode Dynamics Fogs
00244 Icicle Creek Peaches
00243 Rig Review Summer 2021
00242 One Night at Mt. Rainier
00241 Smoke in the Sawtooths
00240 Corbeau Seats
00239 NMBDR
00238 A Better Fuel Siphon
00236 A Stereo that Just Works
00237 Selling the 4Runner
00235 Forty-one Miles of Mesa
00234 Owyhee West
00233 Step by Step Front Diff Bushings
00232 Step by Step Steering Rack Bushings
00230 Replacing all the Bushings
00231 Step by Step LCA Bushings
00229 Scouting Black Rock Desert
00205a Wheels for Tundra 13WL - Comments
00228 Utah Re-Ruined
00227 Owyhee Outback
00226 Windshield Replacement
00225 Canon R6 Camera First Impressions
00224 Replacing the Spherical Bearings with Stainless Steel
00223 Canyonlands
00222 Mid-Winter Mojave
00221 Owens Valley
00219 Gear Roundup 2020
00220 Tragedies in the Tablelands
00216 Headlight Upgrade
00217 Mojave Preserve 2020
00218 Favorite Photos
00209 Headlight Upgrade
00215 Death Valley - Loose Ends
00214 Death Valley - Nadeau Trail
00213 4Runner Rear Electrical
00212 Fixing the DRL Disable
00211 Front Limit Straps
00210 BAMF Rear Diff Skid
00208 Colorado 2020
00207 Camp Stove Filler Neck
00206 Windshield Nozzle Replacement
00205 Wheels for Tundra 13WL
00204 Roaming Around Rainier
00203 Olympic-Sized Views to Obstruction Point
00202 PCV Valve Replacement
00201 If At First You Don't Succeed - AC Compressor
00191 Dashcam Installation
00199 AC Compressor Replacement
00198 AC Receiver-Drier Replacement
00197 Dead Ends
00194 Infinite Power - Adding Solar to the Tacoma
00196 Bridge-to-Bridge
00195 NVBDR (Jul 2020)
00192 AC Evap Core Replacement
00193 Hot in Here - AC Repair
00190 Sound Deadening the Tacoma
00189 Escape to the Sierras
00188 Icicle Creek
00187 Owyhee Redux
00186 Step by Step Tundra Brake Upgrade
00185 Owyhee Uplands
00184 Choosing an RTT
00183 Seattle Parody Trip
00182 Replacing ADS Spherical Bearings...Again
00181 Second Battery Failure
00180 Mojave East
00179 Show Me Your Guns
00178 Step-by-step Brake Shoe Replacement
00177 4Runner Rear Brake Shoe Replacement
00176 This is Not a Jeep Commercial
00175 4Runner Accident and Repair
00174 LBJ replacement
00173 Exped Review
00172 Death Valley (Jan 2020)
00171 Replace Front Diff Plug
00170 Mojave Redemption
00169 Winter Weight Loss for the Tacoma
00168 Hella Hi-Beams
00167 4Runner Accident
00166 Replacing ADS Spherical Bearings
00165 How-to Replace Fuel Filter
00164 Fuel Filter Replacement
00163 Favorite Photos - 2019 Edition
00162 Photography Setup
00161 In Search of Overlooks - Western Death Valley
00159 Steens Mountain, Alvord Desert
00158 Colorado 2019 - Red Head Down
00157 Into the Sierra Wilderness
00156 Rear Axle Seals on the Tacoma
00155 How I Got Started with Offroad Adventuring
00154 Whipsaw Trail
00153 5th Gen 4Runner Storage Platform
00152 Step-by-Step Replacing Rear Axle Seals & Bearing on a Tacoma/4Runner
00151 Replacing the Rear Axle Seals on the 4Runner
00150 13WL Brake Line Upgrade (to Tundra-4Runner)
00149 4Runner Rear Dif Breather Mod
00148 Icicle Creek - Frogs, Snakes, and Axle Seals
00147 IDBDR 2019
00146 Excel in the Wild
00145b High in Idaho (extras)
00145 High in Idaho (July 2019)
00144 SE Idaho (July 2019)
00143 120K miles
00142 Colchuck, Cherries, and Chainsaws
00141 Moar Power - Dual Batteries
00140 Frame Rust and Slider Maintenance
00139 Painting the Wheels Bronze
00138 Craig Mountain (May 2019)
00137 Hells Canyon (May 2019)
00136 Family Camping - Best Day of My Life
00135 Bed Rack v2
00134 4Runner Organization Platform
00133 4Runner Roof Rack
00132 Alvord Desert (Apr 2019)
00131 4Runner LBJs
00130 3rd Gen Tacoma on Ranches
00129 4Runner Suspension
00128 4Runner Tundra Brakes
00127 4Runner To-Do List
00126 Ruining Around Utah (Mar 2019)
00125 Rebooting CVs
00124 Double Fun @ Anza Borrego (Mar 2019)
00123 Mitigating the Mud - 4Runner Wheels on the Tacoma
00122 Hiking Death Valley (Feb 2019)
00120 Front UCA and Shock Replacement
00119 4Runner Sliders
00118 Sledding
00117 My Gear for 2018
00116 Spark Plug Change
00115 Mojave Road (Dec 2018)
00114 Rear Shock Relocate
00113 Front Diff Leak
00112 Transfer Case and Transmission Oil Change
00111 Winter Escape - Hot Springs and the Alvord Playa
00110 F.U.Rain - Exploring the Grand Canyon, Lake Powell, Bears Ears and more! (Oct 2018)
00109 Bed Rack and Storage
00108 1997 4Runner
00107b Re-Tour - All Photos (Aug 2018)
00107 Re-Tour of MT, WY (Aug 2018)
00106 Rear Bumper Table
00105 LBJ Replacement
00104 Somewhere in the Sierras
00103 Two-and-a-Half Days in Idaho
00102 WABDR 2018
00101 Family Camping
00100 Shop Day 3 - Timing Belt
00099 Route Planning
00098 Big Sky and Green Hills - Montana in May 2018
00096 Shop Day - A Bit of Everything
00097 Frame Reinforcement
00095 Sway Bar Delete
00094 CEL P0171 - MAF and AFR Sensor Replacement
00093 NF-9021
00092 Death Valley (Apr 2018)
00091 Homelink Garage Door Opener
00090 My U-Joint was Toast
00089 The Red Head's Rack
00088 The Maze (Mar 2018)
00087 CBI Rear Bumper
00086 What size tires can I run?
00085 Servicing Hi-Lift Jack
00084 Clean skid plates
00083 Replace stabilizer bushings
00082 Cleaning the bed
00081 Greasing Drive Shaft
00080 Front Diff Oil Change
00079 Speedometer Gear
00078 Garage Hoist
00077 AAL or Leaf Pack
00076 Death Valley (Jan 2018)
00075 External Speaker for Ham Radio
00074 Fixing IFS Skid Mount
00073 Stealth6 and ST Maxx Install
00072 Removing the Dash Trim
00071 Rear Diff Oil Change
00070 Speedo, ODO, Mileage Lies
00068 Updating Alcan Leafs
00067 80K miles
00066 Kauai Tacoma Zone
00065 Breaking in the Gears
00064 New 4.88 Gears
00063 Pinch Weld Mod
00062 Christmas Tree 2017
00061 Mod wars, USB RFI
00060 Ham Radio APRS - Kenwood D710G, Mobilinkd
00059 A-Pillar Ram Mount
00058 Tundra Brake First Impressions
00057a Specs, Info & Measurements on 231mm 13WL
00057 33 tires, Tundra brakes
00056 SCS Stealth 6 Unboxing
00055c The De-Tour TW (Sep 2017)
00055b The De-Tour (all photos)
00055 The Detour (Sep 2017)
00054 CB Installation
00053 Greasing the Drivetrain
00052 Truck Shower
00051 Custom Bed Slide
00050 Return to the OBDR (Aug 2017)
00049 Removing the Headliner
00048 Icom 5100A Install
00047 12v Power to the Bed (ARB Fridge)
00046 Alcan Leaf Springs
00045 Canada Adventure (Jul 2017)
00044 Aluminum Rotopax Tailgate Plate Mount
00043 ARB Tire Inflator Gauge for an Old Guy
00040 Oregon-Bound (May 2017)
00039 Washboard relief - ARB CKMA12 on-board air compressor
00038 Bussmann RTMR installation
00037 Rear Diff Breather Mod - Why didn't I do this sooner
00036 Building the Bed Rack (did someone say new tools)
00035 Christmas Tree, Sledding, and Recovery...Oh my
00034 The @mrs.turbodb Mod - Custom Wet Okole Seat Covers
00033 WABDR Stage 3 - Backroads to Sleeping Lady
00032 Camping convenience - Mt. Shasta CVT
00031 Millermatic 211 acquisition
00030 Winch (and jumper) quick connect
00029 Oil change
00028 More belly protection - installing the mid-skid from @RelentlessFab
00027 Crater Lake (Sep 2016)
00026 The last of the armor - belly protection
00025 Finishing the look - Hella's
00024 Where do we park the Truck now - garage expansion
00022 Relentless Armor - An excursion from Seattle WA to Sparks NV
00021 Life changing magic of tidying up - or, I hate my stereo
00020 Flat tire vs. Best hike
00019 Mileage milestone - 60K
00018 Replacing the wimpy horn
00017 Owyhee Canyonlands (May 2016)
00016 The camping mod - disabling the courtesy lights
00015 The BOSS lift - prepping for armor
00014 A break-in, and USB Power
00013 New tires all around
00012 What's wrong with the clutch - The first tow
00011 Jealously and smartphones = Bluetooth for the Tacoma
00010 Sportz Truck Tent and Truck Bedzzz
00009 Snow and tow
00008 A break-in
00007 Pumping up the rear with air shocks
00006 Donuts on the freeway - time for a new bumper
00005 Landscaping
00004 A late-night knock on the door - the Truck was hit
00003 My first mod - disabling the daytime running lights
00002 Moving to Washington and some light camping
00001 I'm getting a truck (for my birthday!)
00000 Rig Reviews
00000 Misc
00000 Store