Adventures in Librarianship: The Storage Shed, Tamed, Part 3
Adventures in Librarianship: The Storage Shed, Tamed, Part 2
Adventures in Librarianship: The Storage Shed, Tamed, Part 1
Adventures in Librarianship: So, um... yeah. I guess I should do something about this....
Adventures in Librarianship: I'm in a park:
Adventures in Librarianship: I want it known that I'm showing considerable restraint in not buying one of these:
Adventures in Librarianship: Reason #352 why Rocky Mountain National Park is awesome:
Adventures in Librarianship: The Older I Get, The Smaller The Cake
Adventures in Librarianship: Looks like The Bunny went on a post-holiday bender....
Adventures in Librarianship: Remember, the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is... lunch.
Adventures in Librarianship: The Anniversary Couples
Adventures in Librarianship: Barb & Mom with Their Anniversary Bouquets
Adventures in Librarianship: The Famous Kissing Camels
Adventures in Librarianship: Beth & Jen at Garden of the Gods
Adventures in Librarianship: Jen at Garden of the Gods
Adventures in Librarianship: The Girls at Garden of the Gods
Adventures in Librarianship: Metaphotography
Adventures in Librarianship: Look! It's Cake!
Adventures in Librarianship: The Anniversary Couples
Adventures in Librarianship: Eyes Front Everyone
Adventures in Librarianship: Basket Weave Icing
Adventures in Librarianship: Barb's & Mike's Anniversary Cake
Adventures in Librarianship: Mom's & Dad's Anniversary Cake
Adventures in Librarianship: Happy Anniversary
Adventures in Librarianship: Happy Irish Coffee Day!