{T..he Magic Box Photographie}*: mentally am i here }•{ creating loveliness?
{T..he Magic Box Photographie}*: seeing all the appearañces ~
{T..he Magic Box Photographie}*: inner resonance * tender nest º tenderness
Heartbeatbox: Untitled
GJosephT: Late autumn boardwalk stroll
{T..he Magic Box Photographie}*: incidental be memorable ☀
toscano libero: Cavoli e finocchi
yokasyo: upload
Astral Ark: 窗望
Manon Vacher: Taking root.
Dominik Jursa: Kodak Ektar 100, Nikon F6
geigerwe: hanami at ueno onshi park, tokyo
kedras: Garnys didysis baltasis(Egretta alba)m (1 of 1)
birdfan2: Male Blackbird
cate♪: a heron in autumn pond.
Spy-glass: your comfort zone is not where the magic happens
Albin Thelander: the dreams we dreamt feel so lonely on my own
birdcloud1: in the company of trees (1)
Lá caitlin: can't see through the holes.
kelly.marie: And when my mirror speaks, it never minces words
the girl who made it on her own: don't let comfort draw you back
{april h}: :: that I live most prayerfully.... ::
{T..he Magic Box Photographie}*: nature's family dance at the backyard amphitheater
{T..he Magic Box Photographie}*: Ēvery configuration, back to me `/ 〆
{T..he Magic Box Photographie}*: The Only Place 。o O
{T..he Magic Box Photographie}*: her interior life ⚛︎ ⚘
{T..he Magic Box Photographie}*: shadows of childhood. that -a-way 🌿♐