Adidhotre: The world is a tragedy to those who #feel, but a comedy to those who #think. #photoaday #instagood #picoftheday #photooftheday #color #photograph #composition #focus #capture #photobooth #photoofday
Adidhotre: White washed! #Black and #white is #salt and #pepper of #colors, for life tastes bland without them. #ad #monochrome #monochromatic #beard @beardbrand @beardsaresexy @beardmuscles @beardandbeast @beard4all @beardbad @beard.kings
Adidhotre: கற்க கசடறக் கற்பவை கற்றபின் நிற்க அதற்குத் தக. #Thiruvalluvar, #Thirukkural #tamil #ad #tamizh
Adidhotre: Whether you run a #business from home or just use your desk for checking email, your home office has the distinct advantage of being at home. So why stick with a bland desk, when you can have a workspace that is far more fun to look at (and use)? #Crea
Adidhotre: Life is short to be normal. #StayWeird #SpecialSaadha #Weird
Adidhotre: Sometimes you just have to create your own #sunshine. #NoFilter #Lens #iphone7plus #ad
Adidhotre: No matter where you are from, your #dreams are valid. Keep building it. #DreamBuilders #Construction #UnderConstruction #Dream #teamwork #ad
Adidhotre: No one can #defeat me, because I have given up the #idea of #winning. #Life #Calm #Live #Attitude #suit #Respect #stayReal #beard #oftd #fashion
Adidhotre: Day 30: Last but not least, No one saves us but ourselves. No one may. We ourselves must walk the path. #ColourBlindSoul #CWCInstafest #CWC7 #ad #Adidhotre @chennaiweekendclickers
Adidhotre: Day 29: You can observe a lot by just watching. #ColourBlindSoul #CWCInstafest #CWC7 #ad #Adidhotre @chennaiweekendclickers
Adidhotre: Day 28: The only order in the #universe is just a cycle of #calm and chaos. #ColourBlindSoul #CWCInstafest #CWC7 #ad #Adidhotre @chennaiweekendclickers
Adidhotre: Day 27: Each generation will reap what former #generation has sown. #ColourBlindSoul #CWCInstafest #CWC7 #ad #Adidhotre @chennaiweekendclickers
Adidhotre: Day 26: The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our #souls are #connected. #ColourBlindSoul #CWCInstafest #CWC7 #ad #Adidhotre @chennaiweekendclickers
Adidhotre: Day 25: Don't look back, you're not going that way. #ColourBlindSoul #CWCInstafest #CWC7 #ad #Adidhotre @chennaiweekendclickers
Adidhotre: Day 24: The search never ends. #ColourBlindSoul #CWCInstafest #CWC7 #ad #Adidhotre @chennaiweekendclickers
Adidhotre: Day 23: I believe in integrity. #Dogs have it. Humans are sometimes lacking it. #ColourBlindSoul #CWCInstafest #CWC7 #ad #Adidhotre @chennaiweekendclickers
Adidhotre: Day 22: Scars fade with time. And the ones that never go away, well, they build character, maturity, caution. #ColourBlindSoul #CWCInstafest #CWC7 #ad #Adidhotre @chennaiweekendclickers
Adidhotre: Day 21: To a hungry being, every bitter food is sweet. When the preferable is not available, the available becomes preferable! #ColourBlindSoul #CWCInstafest #CWC7 #ad #Adidhotre @chennaiweekendclickers
Adidhotre: Day 20: Don't look down on anyone unless you helping them. #ColourBlindSoul #CWCInstafest #CWC7 #ad #Adidhotre @chennaiweekendclickers
Adidhotre: Day 19: Dogs do speak but only to those who know how to listen. #ColourBlindSoul #CWCInstafest #CWC7 #ad #Adidhotre @chennaiweekendclickers
Adidhotre: Day 18: Feel what it's like to truly starve, and I guarantee that you'll forever think twice before wasting food. #ColourBlindSoul #CWCInstafest #CWC7 #ad #Adidhotre @chennaiweekendclickers
Adidhotre: Departure
Adidhotre: Companion
Adidhotre: Loneliness
Adidhotre: Escape
Adidhotre: Envision
Adidhotre: Deep Thinking
Adidhotre: Emptiness
Adidhotre: Team Effort
Adidhotre: Almost Built