adinsen: Saturday was grooming day for Herman
adinsen: That was a nice bag of carrot tops
adinsen: Lakrids
adinsen: Lakrids... stealing food 😄
adinsen: Croissant cooling down in the backyard
adinsen: We used to have a sandbox for our boys, now we have one for the rabbits. Here's Herman checking it out.
adinsen: Liqorice has found a new favorite spot in the garden
adinsen: Lakrids (= liquorice)
adinsen: Croissant looking determined
adinsen: Why are you here?
adinsen: Croissant
adinsen: That sun is bright.
adinsen: Is that food or just something to chew on? and I'm still keeping an eye on that photographer.
adinsen: I have an eye on you!
adinsen: Potted rabbit Herman
adinsen: Herman
adinsen: Nononono.... ☝️
adinsen: Herman, totally relaxed
adinsen: Herman
adinsen: Grooming Herman
adinsen: Herman
adinsen: Herman
adinsen: Herman looking cautious
adinsen: Herman
adinsen: Herman under sofaen
adinsen: Lakrids, Croissant
adinsen: Herman tried to stay out of the rain, but failed :)
adinsen: Wet Herman in the garden
adinsen: Croissant - oh no, I'm not digging 😇
adinsen: Croissant & Lakrids (Liquorice)