a.dearone: Having a cuppa on May the 4th. :)
a.dearone: We all live in a Yellow Submarine! Yellow Submarine! Yellow Submarine!
a.dearone: Birthday number six. Yellow Submarine.
a.dearone: Dads in the Yellow Submarine. #goodsports
a.dearone: "I'm glad today is my birthday." - 6 year old Nate.
a.dearone: Yes, please.
a.dearone: A great finish to a great day. #anothermilestone
a.dearone: Hello, Ladies!
a.dearone: Calm + Not-so-calm
a.dearone: Buddies!
a.dearone: Bike riding/yard work/chalk art
a.dearone: upload
a.dearone: Chef Nate composing the perfect taco with a squeeze of lime.
a.dearone: Ok, twist my arm.
a.dearone: A little warm-up with breakfast.
a.dearone: When your kid has a fever and your husband picks up the new cookbook you've been wanting. ❤️ @achefslife @chefandthef
a.dearone: Today's fiery haul. #decarofarms
a.dearone: Loving some apple cider.
a.dearone: Legs creation of the day. ⛵️(by Nate)
a.dearone: Look out bad guys, we're not havin' it. #milesfox #keiradeshler #natedecaro
a.dearone: Parading!
a.dearone: Nate and friends group-hugging through the fence.
a.dearone: Tasty cocktail @thecellar
a.dearone: Dinner, pie and a walk around Orange. #outlikealight
a.dearone: upload
a.dearone: A great night. #wehavetogoback
a.dearone: Today's harvest. #decarofarms
a.dearone: Saturday. #sauce
a.dearone: "That TV looks funny. Why does it have a lump?" - @natedecaro
a.dearone: First chocolate cherry tomato from the garden, not quite ripe, but I couldn't resist!