adarsh_antony: Don't mess with me... buddy...
adarsh_antony: Darkness is good ..Without it, we won't be able appreciate the miracle... THE SUNRISE
adarsh_antony: And the potter created the pot... And saw everything that he had made was indeed very good [Genesis 1:31] :)
adarsh_antony: MOM !!! Food is not ready yet ???
adarsh_antony: I'm gonna sleep now...
adarsh_antony: Loving is sharing
adarsh_antony: Priceless smile
adarsh_antony: Cool Dude @ Mini-Tibet... Ooh la la !!!
adarsh_antony: You have a problem with that ...??
adarsh_antony: When Adam & Eve were thrown out of paradise, they asked God: "How can we live in earth without angels". God said: "Who said there won't be any angels in earth ?" [Adarsh 3:14] :)
adarsh_antony: I am not them.... I am... ME
adarsh_antony: Taking the plunge
adarsh_antony: Dude!!! I'm already late...Lama is gonna kill me :(
adarsh_antony: Sunrise
adarsh_antony: See the stars in my eyes...
adarsh_antony: Miles to go...
adarsh_antony: I'll lean on you, you lean on me and we'll Face the world ...TOGETHER
adarsh_antony: Smile!! The language with no alphabets
adarsh_antony: The lamp post with so many lamps...
adarsh_antony: Wanna wrestle ??
adarsh_antony: Seeking enlightenment
adarsh_antony: Did I forget to pray something ?? Bhagavane, adjust maadi...
adarsh_antony: Tibetan Prayer wheel
adarsh_antony: Sandesh le aaate hai ...Magar kab aaoogee...?
adarsh_antony: Young monk @ Tibetan temple