adarsh_antony: അമ്മാ... തായേ..../Begging Cow
adarsh_antony: What Mask are you wearing today??
adarsh_antony: Never be afraid to sit awhile in solitude and salute yourself...
adarsh_antony: The Embrace
adarsh_antony: Proud son
adarsh_antony: Don't preach me that sky is the limit...whats beyond that ??
adarsh_antony: Saying a thousand words without saying a word...
adarsh_antony: Hey...He is not sleeping...He is just practicing to be a polititian...
adarsh_antony: You can't get me for ever...I'll be back, cleaner and fresher...
adarsh_antony: I don't need an umbrella, Camera Uncle...
adarsh_antony: Its that time of the year, baby :)
adarsh_antony: Tata to the camera Uncles...
adarsh_antony: The Rosary church, another view
adarsh_antony: Kanchana
adarsh_antony: The Rosary church, ShettiHalli
adarsh_antony: I forgot to ask how much rent he pays to stay @ The rosary church, Shettihalli :(
adarsh_antony: Whoz the biggest enemy of innocence...Time, Money or Experience...??
adarsh_antony: The Mexican Stand off... And then I pulled the trigger...
adarsh_antony: Ladies and gentlemen, presenting to you... the Golden Temple...
adarsh_antony: If this can stop trains, why not rains ???
adarsh_antony: Welcome to the palace
adarsh_antony: Wheels of Law
adarsh_antony: To be a star, you must shine your own light...
adarsh_antony: Count your life's worth with the number of smiles you created...
adarsh_antony: Teamwork is a lot of people doing what I say -Dilbert
adarsh_antony: Happiness never gets decreased by being shared...Keep smiling...Keep sharing :)
adarsh_antony: Apple of my eye
adarsh_antony: Being a brother is better than being SUPERMAN
adarsh_antony: Best of me...soo far...
adarsh_antony: To have or not to have: that is the question my dear Watson...