CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): Happy summer! These Oregonian bones are happy to feel the warmth, and enjoy the bounty of the season. Hope y'all are enjoying the season too.
CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): Early summer scramble this morning. #weekenddomestics
CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): Happy Father's Day to my Pops! This picture has lived in my wallet for a while, and always makes me smile. Just us acting silly. Thanks Dad for always supporting my dreams, and encouraging adventures, big and small. Love you!
CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): Taco night!! #sundaydomestics
CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): I may have packed the clothing for my vacation in under 5 minutes. I'm excited by all the patterns that I'm taking with me! @daguidry #nolatrip
CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): Few weeks out from vacation and I'm taking camera inventory. Taking my Pentax film camera to Blue Moon today for an overhaul. Time to brush up on shooting real film! Whoop!!
CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): Top- binding, bottom- front and back covers attached.
CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): Late night binding. More details in the morning!
CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): for sale- handmade mould and deckle for papermaking
CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): Wrapping up my drawings for my contribution to the postcard show at Emspace! Next up is #wemake2012
CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): Our site had a private path to the lake! #froglake #mthoodforest #latergram
CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): Last lakeside camping coffee of the trip. I was so sad to leave. #latergram
CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): From Heidelberg practice night with @rorysparks
CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): I have yet to wear this top out in public, but i love it. I have a feeling you would really like it @tram_pham.
CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): Drawing with cut paper today. #tryingtodraweveryday
CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): C & P pilot for sale!! Portland, Or local pickup only
CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): Learning new things this week with @ohpleasefelix #edgepainting
CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): Love this little lady. And that rug.
CPG of Standard Authority (Printers/Makers): Making patterns out of paper scraps.