Trey Ratcliff: The Sunset of Your Childhood
Robert Myer: Frozen
xtheowl: 22: blinded by money
cheningilles: yummy close-up of jenny's stomach wound.
timjacksonphotography: SpringMtnRanch
Daniel E Bruce: The Lurker
chospatis: catch_of_the_day
AlistairKiwi: Flower
Keon Winston: Chop Pistol
Dave Quick: Seagulls by Ivars, on the Pier, Seattle, WA
igorms: Mica has a friend
Haiku Heidi: Icy Waters
kingpinphoto: poor guy.jpg
NV Blue Fusion: Gothic Reunion
zpaperboyz: Eagle on Lamp
Halli Magg: Náttúran