roland: here kitty kitty :-) DSC_6852
ashughes81: DSCF4100
Justin Dolske: Brown Pelicans
Justin Dolske: Cloudy starfield
albill: DSC05633
Bill Walker: Anna's Hummingbird at Fortini Trail
Bill Walker: Western Meadowlark at Fortini Trail
Bill Walker: Tiny Crab
Gioxx: #MozSummit
Angry NO German: IMG_0693
DanYork: The awesome IETF 83 t-shirt! "We reject: kings, presidents, and voting. We believe in: rough consensus and running code." The ethos of the Internet, distilled down to a T-shirt slogan!
Duane Storey: More Planning
Stefan17: Mary Barnes Moderates a Session at IETF 80
treasuresthouhast: Beijing Sanlitun by Night
Ammar Alothman: Stay away from me weirdo !!