adamroach: IMG_0020.JPG
adamroach: IMG_0021.JPG
adamroach: Diabetes Table
adamroach: Diabetes Table
adamroach: IMG_0024.JPG
adamroach: IMG_0025.JPG
adamroach: Disc Golf: Lost
adamroach: Disc Among the Prickly Pears
adamroach: IMG_0028.JPG
adamroach: Madden figured out a convenient disc storage place
adamroach: Disc Golf: Chris
adamroach: Disc Golf: Madden Teeing Off
adamroach: Disc Golf: Madden Teeing Off
adamroach: Disc Golf: Russell Teeing Off
adamroach: Disc Golf: Matthew retreiving his disc from the river
adamroach: Disc Golf: This is how he started, but Russell did eventually get in the river and look for his own disc
adamroach: Disc Golf: Chris looking for Russell's Disc
adamroach: Disc Golf: Chris looking for Russell's Disc
adamroach: IMG_0038.JPG
adamroach: Disc Golf: Disc Eating Tree
adamroach: IMG_0040.JPG
adamroach: Disc Golf: Matthew
adamroach: Lunch Sunday: Huge Burgers
adamroach: Chris on the Zip Line
adamroach: IMG_0044.JPG
adamroach: IMG_0045.JPG
adamroach: IMG_0046.JPG
adamroach: IMG_0047.JPG
adamroach: IMG_0048.JPG
adamroach: IMG_0049.JPG