Bridesmaids being silly after some bridebombs! #wedding #silly #friends #bridal #party
On route to lakeshore for a night run along the path. Empty streets, still wind mill and a sun setting along the horizon makes for a serene moment. #Toronto #west #lakeshoreblvdwest #sunnyside #bridge #running
Yesterday night I found some kids poking, yelling and grabbing this poor little squirrel near a park. Telling them to back off didn't seem to work as I ended up finding her disoriented 20 min later on the other side of the park. Too little to survive on h
One year ago I tried climbing this volcano to the top. Just last week this same volcano had a minor eruption which has caused Ecuador to be on alert! I really hope Cotopaxi settle's down to a state where it won't cause harm. Another reason to reflect on h
Athena being a cute little annoying kitty that doesn't let me work!! Somehow I can't get mad at her, especially when she flops around and meows like this!
After running 5k on a humid day, a beer smells, tastes and feels so damn good. #RunTOBeer #toronto #beer #lover
Athena staring at me with those large beautiful eyes. #furry #kitty
Remembering how zen this past weekend was. #weekend #memories #camping #meditation #scenic #caves #canada
Our amazing view the last three days. Gonna miss swimming in fresh lake water and relaxing under the sun with awesome friends. #tent #camping #cape #croker #georgian #bay #lake #canada
Failing miserably at getting Cian to smile at camera. He could be grumpy from excessive gas he let loose soon after this pic was taken. 😂 #picnic #babytime #poop #farts #trinity #bellwoods #park
My little furry buddies know how to take breaks. #cats #chilling
Getting my feet wet at the beach feels just right. #Republica #Domenicana #beach #vacation
I've never seen the sky part like this. Pretty awesome. #airplane #view #clouds
Spent half the day "team building" on a boat. ❤️ my job. #P.E.I #charlottetown #east #coast #canada
Took a pic of Prince Edward Island's pretty coastline. Flight was full of happy conversations and laughter. Already getting that friendly impression most people seem to have about East Coasters. #aerial #view #P.E.I #east #coast #canada
I had no idea bovine sex club had an awesome tiki patio. This huge mural is so colourful and awesome, it sums up the patio's vibe.
My hands and feet are killing me but it's nice to go climbing again. Definitely felt miserable climbing this wall. #toronto #climbing #academy
I love opening this box. #travel #bug
Best thing about Max being a large cat is his tolerance for my squeeze hugs. I can tell he's not impressed but at least he doesn't run away. #large #ginger #cat #hugs