activefree: Before there was Facebook, Twitter or even YouTube... there was my Canon miniDV video camera. Just watched some of the earliest videos from late 1999 in New Jersey & Brooklyn. I sense a project brewing.
activefree: "The people's history in real time." @mruff221 on Twitter's role in fueling news. Go @motherjones in 2014!
activefree: Cousins' family found some good fresh seafood on their visit to the Mission.
activefree: Pattern for something fun.
activefree: Another version. I really wonder how we arrived at this amazing mix of Santa Claus and Jesus Christ to celebrate the Winter Soltice. Global Culture is a long term mashup.
activefree: Great to Martin, Pamela, Amalia and the original St. Felix St. crew in Fort Greene the other. Brooklyn family forever.
activefree: Just a bit more blue today. Tomorrow the real work of constructive collaboration continues. #election2012
activefree: Glass man looks forward toward a more perfect union. #election2012
activefree: A life size labyrinth game at Peralta Junction in Oakland. So stressful and so much fun when I was able to get the ball all the way through the maze.
activefree: Turn of the century family fun and live music at Peralta Junction. Oakland definitely rising.
activefree: #xoxofest A consensual hallucination for people that do what they love, cut out the middle men, and make a living.
activefree: Amazing sunset and heart felt expression at beautiful celebration of the union of Philly & Wisconsin.
activefree: Psyched & grateful for the listening & sharing tonight. Looking forward to playing #lostchurch again w Steve Long soon. Let's keep singing.
activefree: Good to be back in NYC for a few quick days for #pdf12. Love summer nights.
activefree: Walking through Washington Square Park the other night. Beautiful NYC moment with Cello player and little girl dancing.
activefree: Mission Bowling Club: great couches, amazing food, and my first 150 game. Outside is gonna be packed this summer.
activefree: Making wishes with the bones of dead birds on a Friday.
activefree: Thanks to all who shared the first #lostchurch session. I think my favorite moments were during #internetdream. We'll do another show soon, East Bay as well.
activefree: Chris McCann: today is the day govt found out the Internet matters. And Internet found out govt matters.
activefree: The closest thing to an altar at my parents' home. Jerry, Jesus, & Buddha, among others.
activefree: "beginning is near..." concept at party last night at @hubbayarea.
activefree: Good live brass and drums at the lower haight art walk. #holidaycheer is alive.
activefree: I feel like this style of hat is moving from burning man to mainstream #bayarea style.
activefree: I love the murals in the Mission. Still need to volunteer for Precita Arts one of these days.
activefree: 99 crowdfunded full page ad to bring attention to 99% solution from @stopthemach in #occupydc,
activefree: Moments like this remind me that living in the bay area is beautiful.
activefree: The misty old tree was very much alive with the leafy moss the surrounded it.
activefree: Up close with one of hundreds of banana slugs we shared our walk with near Half Moon Bay.
activefree: After a great day at #smfnp, before heading home stopped by Berlin style ping pong. Good times.