andrea_he: Obersee ( in explore )
Phil Ostroff: A Ducking Cool Reflection!
Karlsberg83: Roy's Peak NZ
alvarof.polo: Gabita eurasiática, Ostrero euroasiático., Oystercatcher, Huîtrier pie, Beccaccia di mare, Haematopus ostralegus
storeknut: Storm on the lake
Franck Zumella: Serenity of a leopard (Explore)
Hockey.Lover: The Claw
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: L'atterrissage silencieux du prédateur! Harfangs des neiges-Snowy Owl
Earl Reinink: Northern Harrier - female
zsnajorrah: De Oversteek
josepmariafont: _JMF6025 Pinsà, pinzón
josepmariafont: 2016-12-18_11-11-07
zsnajorrah: Dreiging Narrow-billed Tody, Barrancolí de pico fino, (Todus angustirostris)
zsnajorrah: Blauw
zsnajorrah: Diffuus
zsnajorrah: Eindelijk
Steve Blain: Firecrest, Southill, 3rd April 2010
szeke: Washington Monument
neil.rolph: Bearded Tits
Wim Boon Fotografie: Fuut - Great Crested Grebe - Podiceps Cristatus A little bit of Snow
wimdebaets: Common Kingfisher
Wizmatt: Lunch is served